History of the breed
The Weimaraner is a silver-gray breed of dog developed originally in early 19th century for hunting. Early Weimaraners were used by royalty for hunting large game, such as boar, bears, deer, and foxes. As the popularity of large game hunting began to decline, Weimaraners were used for hunting smaller animals, like fowl, rabbits, and foxes. Rather than having a specific purpose such as pointing or flushing, the Weimaraner is an all purpose gun dog. The Weimaraner is loyal and loving to his family, an incredible hunter, and a fearless guardian of his family and territory. The name comes from the Grand Duke of Weimar, Karl August, whose court enjoyed hunting.
Today's breed standards developed in the 1800s, although dogs having very similar features to the Weimaraner have been attested as far back as 1200s in the court of Louis IX of France. It is believed that Continental pointing breeds, particularly the Vizsla, and mastiffs were its ancestors. Like the Vizsla at the time, the breed was created exclusively for the nobility and alike. The aim was to create a noble-looking, reliable gundog. As ownership was restricted, the breed was highly prized and lived with the family. This was unusual, as during this period, hunting dogs were kept in kennels in packs. This has resulted in a dog that needs to be near humans and that quickly deteriorates when kennelled. The Weimaraner was an all purpose family dog, capable of guarding the home, hunting with the family, and of course, being loving and loyal towards children.
Originally, Germany was possessive of its skilled all-purpose gundog. But starting in the late nineteenth century the Weimaraner became increasingly more common throughout Europe and the United States. Although slower than many other gundogs, such as Pointers, the Weimaraner is thorough and this made it a welcome addition to the sportsman's household. Furthermore, its happy, lively temperament endeared it to families, although it is perhaps too lively for families with young children. Unfortunately, with the rise in popularity, some careless matches were made and some inferior specimens were produced. Since then, both in Britain and America (where the breed remains popular) breeders have taken care to breed for quality and purpose.
Appearance of the breed
The Weimaraner is elegant, noble, and athletic in appearance. All parts of the dog should be in balance with each other, creating a form that is pleasing to the eye. It must be capable of working in the field, regardless of whether it is from show stock or hunting stock, and faults that will interfere with working ability are heavily penalized.
The tails are kept short. In some cases, tails are docked and dewclaws are removed, the tail usually docked at birth to a third of its natural length.
Weimaraners short and very smooth gray coat and its unusual eyes give it a regal appearance different from any other breed. However, the breed has been deemed very similar to the Vizsla. However, the Vizsla is a much older breed. The eyes of the Weimaraner may be light amber, gray, or blue-gray. The coat may range from mouse-gray to silver-gray, it has been elegantly described as "moonlight on chocolate". Where the fur is thin or non-existent, inside the ears or on the lips, for example, the skin should be a pinkish tone rather than white or black.
The silvery-gray color is rare in dogs and is the result of breeding for a recessive gene. It has also lent the breed the nickname 'silver ghost' or 'gray ghost.' The coat is extremely low maintenance; it is short, hard, and smooth to the touch.
According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) standard, a distinctly blue or black coat is an automatic disqualification, though a small white marking in the chest area only is permitted.
There is a long-haired variety that is recognized by most kennel clubs around the world except in North America. The long-haired Weimaraner has a silky coat, with - contrary to the short coated variety - an undocked, feathered tail. The gene is recessive, so breeding will produce some long-haired puppies only if both parents carry the recessive longhair gene.
According to the AKC standard, the male Weimaraner stands between 25 and 27 inches at the withers.
Females are between 23 and 25 inches. Of course, there are many dogs taller or shorter than the breed standard. The breed is not heavy for its height, and males normally weigh roughly 70-85 pounds. Females are generally between 55-70 lbs. A Weimaraner carries its weight proudly and gives the appearance of a muscular, athletic dog.
Temperament of the breed
Weimaraners are highly athletic and trainable, characteristics which allow them to excel in a variety of dog sports, such as agilityWeimaraners are fast and powerful dogs, but are also suitable home animals given appropriate training & exercise. These dogs are not as sociable towards strangers as other hunting dogs such as Labradors and Golden Retrievers. Weimaraners are very protective of their family and can be very territorial.
Weimaranera can be aloof to strangers, and must be thoroughly socialized when young to prevent aggression. They are also highly intelligent, sensitive and problem-solving animals, which earned them an epithet "dog with a human brain". From adolescence, a Weimaraner requires extensive exercise in keeping with an energetic hunting dog breed and prized for their physical endurance and stamina. No walk is too far, and they will appreciate games and play in addition. An active owner is more likely to provide the vigorous exercising, games, or running that this breed absolutely requires.
Weimaraners are high-strung and often wear out their owners, requiring appropriate training to learn how to calm them and to help them learn to control their behavior. Owners need patience and consistent, firm (yet kind) training, as this breed is particularly rambunctious during the first year and a half of its life. This breed is known for having a penchant for stealing food from table and counter tops whenever given the chance. Like many breeds, untrained and unconfined young dogs often create their own fun when left alone, such as chewing house quarters and furniture. Thus, many that are abandoned have behavioural issues as a result of isolation and inferior exercise.
Weimaraners are often kind to children, but they may not be appropriate for smaller children due to their tendency to knock a child down in the course of play. The breed is so full of energy that early training to sit (through positive reinforcement) is critical to prevent jumping in the future, as these strong dogs may knock over elderly people or children by accident.
It should never be forgotten that the Weimaraner is a hunting dog and therefore has a strong, instinctive prey drive. Weimaraners will sometimes tolerate cats, as long as they are introduced to the cats as puppies, but many will chase and frequently kill almost any small animal that enters their garden or backyard. In rural areas, most Weimaraners will not hesitate to chase deer or sheep. However, with good training, these instincts can be curtailed to some degree. A properly trained Weimaraner is a wonderful companion that will never leave its master's side.
Health Concerns of the breed
The Weimaraner is a deep-chested dog, which makes them a breed which is high on the list of dogs affected by bloat (gastric torsion). This a very serious condition that causes a painful rapid death when left untreated. It occurs when the stomach twists itself, thereby pinching off blood vessels and the routes of food traveling in or out. Symptoms include a dog showing signs of distress, discomfort, no bowel movement or sounds, and a swollen stomach. Immediate medical attention is imperative when bloat occurs and surgery is the only option if it is caught early enough. One way to help prevent bloat is to spread out the Weimaraner's feedings to at least twice daily and to avoid any vigorous exercise right after feedings. Weimaraner owners might never see this problem in their dogs but should be familiar with the ailment and keep emergency vet numbers handy. Hip dysplasia is a major concern among Weimaraners, as with most large breeds of dog. It is generally recommended to acquire Weimeraners only from breeders who have their dog's hips tested using OFA or PennHIP methods. Other health issues include:
Elbow dysplasia
Von Willebrands Disease
Hypertrophic osteodystrophy
Pituitary dwarfism
Renal dysplasia
Progressive retinal atrophy
Behavior Disorders
Those familiar with the breed acknowledge two common behavioral disorders.
The first common behavior disorder is the proclivity of many Weimaraners to suffer from severe separation anxiety. Manifestations of this behavior disorder include panicked efforts to rejoin the owner when separation occurs, excessive drooling, destructive behaviors, and associated injuries such as broken teeth or cut lips. Behavior modification training and medications may reduce the severity of symptoms associated with this disorder in some Weimaraners. However, the breed is generally refractory to such treatment and behavior modification training efforts. As individuals of the breed age the severity of separation anxiety symptoms decrease somewhat, but do not completely abate.
The second common behavior disorder is unacceptable aggression in some Weimaraners. Early and extensive socialization of young dogs can prevent this. However, as the original purpose of the breed was to assist in hunting small to large forest game (fowl & small mammals to boar, elk & bears) and to provide personal as well as property protection, a certain amount of aggression is innate to the breed.
Professional training is beneficial, particularly for less-experienced owners. This includes behaviors towards other family pets. Depending upon training they can be quite aggressive towards other dogs, but they are a loyal, playful and affectionate pet and an alert and friendly member of the family. Although visitors are likely to be licked rather than warned away, the Weimaraner does not miss a trick and is always aware of its surroundings and is ready to protect its family and territory in a heartbeat. Extensive socialization is critical for this breed. Prospective owners should note that the Weimaraner is not recommended for families with young children as it is usually boisterous, sometimes hyperactive. If you train them at an early age with young children then they will get used to them. The same goes with other pets. This is also a breed with tremendous personality, charm and stubbornness.
Weimaraner Club of America
Weimaraner Rescue of the South
Complete Weimaraner Rescues List
Northern California Weimaraner Rescue Group
Las Vegas Weimaraner Club & Rescue
San Francisco Weimaraner Group
Weimaraner Club of the Washington D.C. Area
Weimaraner Association of Canada
Weimaraner Club of New South Wales
Weimaraner Club of Victoria Inc.
Weimaraner Club of Great Britain
Weimaraner Association (UK)
Weimaraner Club of Scotland
Weimaranerworld Portal
Blue Weimaraner - Historical and Genetic Information