Bichon Frisé

Bichon Frise, originally uploaded by thekennelclub.

History of the breed
A Bichon Frisé (French, literally meaning curly lap dog) is a small breed of dog. They are popular pets, similar in appearance to, but larger than, the Maltese.
The Bichon Frisé descended from the Barbet or Water Spaniel, Poodle, and is a generally white, small "lap" or ladies' dog, which existed in the Mediterranean area as far back as 600-300 B.C.

Because of their merry disposition, they traveled much and were often used as barter by sailors as they moved from continent to continent. The Bichon Frisé went to sea as a working Spanish boat dog. They were perfect for a boat because they do not shed, don't need a lot of exercise, and are fine companions, as well as obedient and easily trained. Though not considered a retriever or water dog, the Bichon, due to its ancestry, has an affinity for and enjoys water and retrieving. On the boats however, the dog's job was to meet and greet people with great enthusiasm. It is one of the few dogs that has eyes like a human, that it shows the whites of its eye as well as expressions of happiness in them. The Bichons were the little happy ambassadors for the Spanish at every new port of call.

Even though the Bichon Frisé is no longer known as a common dog, when you go to a circus if any of the acts contain a dog it's very likely to be a Bichon due to its high ability to learn.The Bichon was brought to the United States in 1955, and was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1973.

Temperament of the breed
The Bichon Frisé is gentle mannered, feisty, sensitive, playful, affectionate and adorable. A cheerful attitude is a prominent personality trait. Most Bichons enjoy socializing with people and most dogs. Bichons may be relatively stubborn, but are also said to be patient. They may tend to nip gently in play. They may have sudden bursts of energy resulting in the "blitz" or "buzz", where they race around in circles until they collapse happily onto their backs. They are great around children and also good watch dogs. They tend to be very friendly towards people even outside of the immediate family.

The Bichon Frisé also be hard to house train. A crate is usually the best method of training. The puppy should come to see his/her crate as his personal space so avoid using it as discipline for bad behaviour to maximise house training potential. Do not use house breaking pads because the dog will tend to see rugs in the same way that she/he sees the house breaking pads. Train the dog to use a specified area outside, preferably on an area that is stone.

Appearance of the breed
Bichon Frisé are small and sturdy – weigh 7-12 pounds and height 9-12 inches. Bichon Frisé coat is textured outer coat lined with a soft, fine, silky undercoat that is 7 to 10 cm (3-4 inches) long. The coat is white, often with shadings of buff or cream around the ears or on the body but if these colors exceed 10% of its body then it is a fault.

Because Bichon Frisé do not shed, they are suitable for many people with allergies; however human sensitivity to dog fur varies considerably. People with dog allergies should first visit with a Bichon to test their individual reaction before committing to ownership. Bichon Frisé are a non-shedding breed that requires daily grooming.

Like most non-shedding dogs, Bichon Frisé are high-maintenance. Bichon Frisé require regular grooming, which can be expensive and/or time-consuming. If you don't brush their hair, it will get matted and tangled. An alternative to the high maintance Bichon cut, is a shorter puppy cut, which when done properly can eliminate daily grooming. Short Bichon puppy cuts do require trips to the groomer every six to eight weeks. Bichon Frisés should be professionally groomed at least once every three months.

Like all dogs that require frequent grooming, Bichon Frisé should be accustomed to grooming from a young age and care should be taken to keep grooming pleasurable. Daily grooming prevents tangles and creates a puffier coat. To prevent matting, the coat should be kept clean, brushed thoroughly before bathing, and brushed and completely dried after bathing.

Excess hair should be removed regularly from ears and between foot pads. Owners should clean their dog's hind (anal) area with a damp cloth after each bowel movement to keep feces from sticking to the hair. The Bichon's nails grow at a fast to moderate rate so should be cut regularly.

The hair on the face of a Bichon Frisé should be kept clean and trimmed, as eye discharge and mucus tend to accumulate in the hair that grows in front of their eyes. In common with most white dogs Bichons are prone to tear-staining around the eyes. Tear staining may be caused by allergies, infections, blocked tear ducts, stray eyelashes, or foreign material in the eyes.

Health Concerns of the breed
Although Bichons are often considered a "hypoallergenic" breed for people prone to dog allergies, Bichons themselves are unusually prone to allergies. They have skin problems and allergies, including atopy (inhalant allergies). Other health issues unusually common in Bichons include Cushing's Syndrome, dental disease, patellar luxation and cruciate ligament tears, and bladder and kidney stones. Bichon frises, like many other dogs with fluffy, flappy ears are prone to ear mites and usually need constant care around ears.

Bichon Frisé have an average life span of about 12.2 years. This breed's longevity is similar to other breeds of its size and a little longer than for purebred dogs in general.

Because autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA, also called immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, or IMHA) and immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (ITP) are responsible for so many premature Bichon deaths, Bichon owners should be particularly alert to the symptoms of these conditions. In AIHA, the dog's immune system attacks its own red blood cells, leading to severe, life-threatening anemia. Symptoms include weakness, loss of energy, lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, dark urine, and pale or yellow gums. Thrombocytopenia often accompanies

AIHA. In ITP, blood platelets (which cause blood clotting) are destroyed. The most common clinical signs are hemorrhages of the skin and mucus membranes. Owners of Bichons showing suspicious symptoms should seek immediate veterinary care as these diseases can strike with little or no warning and kill very quickly.

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