Alano Español

alano español, originally uploaded by sobre.perros.

History of the breed
Alano Español or Spanish Bulldog this Spanish breed of dog that derives its name from the Alans extinct Molosser the Alaunt.

The Spanish Alano which we know today is part of a legacy left by the Alan tribe which entered the Iberian Peninsula with the Vandal hordes during the early part of the 5th Century. The Spanish Alano is a derivative of those dogs maintained by the Alani. 'Alanos' subsequently found great favour both as revered hunters and guardians. Their courage, prowess, agility, strength and enviable stamina were broadly celebrated. The popularity of the dogs waned somewhat at the turn of the 20th Century when fashion and favour befell 'foreign' breeds and as pastoral methods and livestock management changed. The breed was considered to be extinct soon after the last formal exhibition of a pair of Alanos at Madrid's 'Parque del Buen Retiro' in 1963.

Appearance of the breed
The Alano Español has a slightly over strecthed and powerful appearance that fits him especially for running long distances at high speeds, herding cattle and holding large animals. This dog has a well proportioned body structure, the rib cage is arched, but not cylindrical, the chest stretches to the elbow level. It also has strong and solid shoulders and withers. The back legs are slightly less massive than the front legs which are straight if you view them from the front or the side. The paws are big compared to the size and weight of the dog. The muscles in the hindquarters are toned and the back legs show very well defined anglulation with strong feet at the base. The tail is thickest at the base and gets thinner, eventually to a point and is carried in an arc below the backline. The stomach retracts inward in order to give him a more athletic appearance than other heavier breeds. The neck is strong, powerful and wide, showing two double chins that should never hang to low. The Alano has extremely powerful jaws. The teeth are wide, and spaced out from each other with a very strong and firm reverse-scissors bite. When running at full speed, they are fast and flexible, fully stretching all limbs in graceful bounds. They can clear almost any obstacle without looking tired at all. Coat colors include, Brindle, Fawns and 'Reds', Black and Brindle and Sable Wolf.

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