Russell Terrier
History of the breed
The Russell Terrier is a predominantly white working terrier with the insatiable instinct to hunt formidable quarry underground. The breed was derived from the Reverend John Russell's fox working terrier strains that were used in the 1800s for fox hunting. The Reverend's fox working strains were much smaller than the Show Fox Terrier and remained working terriers. The size of the Russell Terrier (10" to 12") combined with a small flexible, spannable chest makes it an ideal size to work efficiently underground. Their unique rectangular body shape with a 50/50 ratio of body to leg makes them distinctly different from the Parson Russell Terrier and the Jack Russell Terrier.
The Russell Terrier originated in England with Australia being designated as the country of development.
Russells preparing for go-to-ground. The name "Jack Russell Terrier" was never used to describe a breed of dog. Rather, it became a common name for any predominantly-white earth-working terrier after the death of the Reverend John Russell. The only requisite was color, the instinct combined with the will to employ earth-work and the size to work efficiently underground. Still today, the name is widely used for working terriers of the Parsons Reverend's style.
It was in the country of development, Australia, that this 10-12 inch dog was first standardized by Kennel Club recognition with the official name "Jack Russell Terrier" applied to the breed. In the USA, the Jack Russell Terrier conforming to the Australian/FCI standard is simply called a Russell Terrier.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the most common Jack Russell Terrier stood between 10" and 12" at the shoulder. There were those over 12", but these were in the minority. In the United Kingdom, each hunt had its Hunt Terriers made up usually of an assortment of Jack Russells, Borders, Lakelands and "Patterdales".
Even now, the size of the Jack Russell Terrier in a hunt kennel will vary depending on its usage. In areas where the terriers are expected to run with hounds, they will be longer in leg. In areas where the terriers are carried in a saddle bag or, more likely today, in the back of a vehicle, they will be of the shorter and longer than tall variety. During the hunts' off-season the kennels usually have fun days and conformation events accompanied by a Hound Show, Terrier Show and Terrier racing.
The Russell Terrier is a very popular companion breed in the US. It must be noted first and foremost the breed is a working breed not a companion breed. They are bred by dedicated Fanciers to preserve their working functional conformation and the instinct to employ their original purpose as earth terriers. This makes them an excellent performance breed participating in a variety of events; natural hunting which includes earthwork, agility, rally, obedience, tracking, go-to-ground and conformation, just to name a few. They are also found as therapy and service dogs.
In Australia, the Jack Russell Terrier Club initially held one show a year, but by the late 1980s, states were holding one or two shows each per year, as well as the National Annual Show. Discussions continued with mainly the KCC and from there to the Australian National Canine Council (ANKC). By now most Canine Councils were giving approval for their Judges to officiate at Jack Russell Shows, and those who were taking an interest in the breed began to realise that the type was improving, and the numbers increasing.
In 1990, there were 109 entries at the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Australia's NSW Branch Easter Show. Since the beginning of development within Australia, the Breed has only progressed with great strength. Today, Jack Russell Terriers frequently gain Group awards at Championship Shows, are trialled at Obedience Trials, run in Endurance Tests, and compete in Earthdog Tests. Their most popular role...though is as pets, make lively and amusing companions.
The Russell Terrier, also known as the F.C.I. type Jack Russell Terrier, is a recognized Kennel Club breed in the United States and is maintained separately from the AKC Parson Russell Terrier, JRTCA Jack Russell Terrier and the UKC Jack Russell Terrier. In 2001 The United Kennel Club accepted the application from the English Jack Russell Terrier Club officially recognizing the Russell Terrier. The American Kennel Club AKC accepted the breed into the FSS Program in December 8, 2004 again based on the F.C.I. Jack Russell Terrier Standard, also submitted by the E.J.R.T.C. AKA the American Russell Terrier Club.
Appearance of the breed
A strong, active, lithe working Terrier of great character with flexible body of medium length. His smart movement matches his keen expression. Tail docking is optional and the coat may be smooth, rough or broken.
The depth of the body from the withers to the brisket should equal the length of foreleg from elbows to the ground.
The girth behind the elbows should be about 40 to 43 cm.
Temperament of the breed
A lively, alert and active Terrier with a keen, intelligent expression. Bold and fearless, friendly but quietly confident.
Skull: The skull should be flat and of moderate width gradually decreasing in width to the eyes and tapering to a wide muzzle. THIS PORTION OF STANDARD DIFFERS DEPENDING ON THE BREED CLUB.
Stop: Well defined but not over pronounced.
Nose: Black
Muzzle: The length from the stop to the nose should be slightly shorter than from the stop to the occiput.
Lips: Tight-fitting and pigmented black.
Jaws/Teeth: Very strong, deep, wide and powerful. Strong teeth closing to a scissor bite.
Eyes: Small dark and with keen expression. MUST not be prominent and eyelids should fit closely. The eyelid rims should be pigmented black. Almond shape.
Ears: Button or dropped of good texture and great mobility.
Cheeks: The cheek muscles should be well developed.
Neck: Strong and clean allowing head to be carried with poise.
Back: Level. The length from the withers to the root of tail slightly greater than the height from the withers to the ground.
Loin: The loin should be short, strong and deeply muscled.
Chest: Chest deep rather than wide, with good clearance from the ground, enabling the brisket to be located at the height mid-way between the ground and the withers. Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cm to 43 cm.
Sternum: Point of sternum clearly in front of the point of shoulder.
Tail: May droop at rest. When moving should be erect and if docked the tip should be on the same level as ears.
Shoulders: Well sloped back and not heavily loaded with muscle.
Upper arm: Of sufficient length and angulation to ensure elbows are set under the body.
Forelegs: Straight in bone from the elbows to the toes whether viewed from the front or the side.
Hindquarters: Strong and muscular, balanced in proportion to the shoulder.
Stifles: Well angulated.
Hock joints: Low set.
Rear pastern (Metatarsus) : Parallel when viewed from behind while in free standing position.
Feet: Round, hard, padded, not large, toes moderately arched, turned neither in nor out.
Hair: May be smooth, broken or rough. Must be weatherproof. Coats should not be altered (stripped out) to appear smooth or broken.
Color: White MUST predominate with black and/or tan markings. The tan markings can be from the lightest tan to the richest tan (chestnut).
Ideal Height: 25 cm (10 ins) to 30 cm (12 ins).
Weight: Being the equivalent of 1 kg to each 5 cm in height, i.e. a 25 cm high dog should weigh approximately 5 kg and a 30 cm high dog should weigh 6 kg.
Health concerns of the breed
A well-cared-for Russell can live for anywhere between 14-21 years.
Health concerns with the breed include hereditary cataracts, primary lens luxation, congenital deafness, medial patellar luxation, cerebellar ataxia, Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease, myasthenia gravis, atopy, and von Willebrand's disease.
It is responsible breeders to have puppies BAER tested for hearing. The dams and sires should be CERF tested annually and Orthopedic Foundation for Animals examined to reduce the chance of passing on congenital eye or joint problems. Prospective puppy buyers are encouraged to avoid dogs sired or whelped by dogs under two years of age as congenital problems in the sire or dam may not yet have expressed themselves.