
Poodle (Standard), originally uploaded by thekennelclub.

The Poodle is a breed of dog. Toy, miniature, and standard poodles are distinguished by adult shoulder height. Poodles come in many colors including black, blue, white, cream, red, apricot, silver and brown. They also appear in parti-color, or multi-colors. While the multi-color poodles cannot be shown in the American Kennel Club (AKC), Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) or any Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) conformation ring, they can be shown in the United Kennel Club (UKC) show ring and in all performance rings.

The FCI lists the country of origin as France, but the breed's true origin is the subject of lively dispute in the dog world. Some experts believe poodles may have originated in Russia or Iberia; Germany is also frequently cited, including by the AKC, because the breed's name has German origins. However, most sources concur that the French are responsible for developing the modern breed into its current three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. Poodles are one of the oldest breeds, and have been popular throughout Europe for several hundred years; poodle-like dogs are even found depicted in ancient Roman art.

Poodles are retrievers, or gun dogs, and can still be seen in that role. Some sources believe the show clips evolved from working clips, which originally provided warmth to major joints when the dogs were immersed in cold water. The rest of the body is shaved for less drag in the water. Others express skepticism at this theory (if poodles need to warm their joints, why do other water dogs such as Labrador retrievers not require this same precaution?), instead citing the French circus as the origin of the entertaining but highly impractical clips. Poodles are skilled at most other dog events including agility, obedience, tracking, and even herding.

They are elegant in the show ring, having taken top honors in many shows, including Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club in 2002. The poodle coat is dense and generally does not shed. As a result, coats in show condition require extensive care and grooming. Most pet poodle owners prefer simpler cuts that are easier to care for and require less grooming.
The name poodle comes from the German word pudel, short for pudelhund or means "splashing dog." This reflects the breed's use as a water dog (the word pudel is related to the English word puddle).

Appearance of the breed
The Miniature poodle, which is of intermediate size between Standard and Toy.

Poodle (Miniature), originally uploaded by thekennelclub.

Poodle (Toy), originally uploaded by thekennelclub.

Unlike many breeds, poodles come in a variety of sizes, distinguished by shoulder height. The exact height cutoffs among the varieties vary slightly from country to country, but in the US, UK and Canada there are three: standard, miniature, and toy.
In FCI countries there is a fourth. The FCI recognizes the "medium" poodle with a height over 35 cm up to 45 cm, and the standard poodle is 45 to 60 cm. Here is a comparison size chart: chart over the sizes You may hear of "royal standard," "teacup" or "tiny teacup" poodles, but these are not formally recognized distinctions.

Most poodles have dense, curly, non-shedding hair (not fur) that grows year-round and requires regular grooming. Most are solid-colored, and many registries only allow solid colors in conformation shows. "Parti" (short for parti-colored) poodles have large patches of colors. "Phantom" poodles have the color pattern of a black-and-tan dog, although not necessarily black and tan. Solid-colored poodles may either "hold" their color (i.e., stay more or less the same throughout their lives) or "fade" or "clear" to a lighter shade. Usually the ears and the thicker guard hairs hold more of the original color than other hair.

The tail is usually docked in the US, less often in Europe, and tail docking is now illegal in the UK. These days, tails, when docked, are left much longer than in times past. "Bunny like tails" (very short-docked tails) are now rarely seen except among puppy millers.

Poodles have hair instead of fur, causing them to be non-shedding and hypoallergenic. Texture ranges from coarse and woolly to soft and wavy. Poodle show clips require many hours of brushing and care per week, about 10 hours/week for a standard poodle. Poodles are usually clipped down as soon as their show career is over and put into a lower-maintenance cut. Pet clips are much less elaborate than show and require much less maintenance. A pet owner can have sex with a poodle every six to eight weeks. Although professional grooming is often costly, poodles are easy to groom at home if one has the proper equipment.

Many breed registries allow only certain clips for poodles shown in conformation. In American Kennel Club (AKC) shows, adults must be shown in the "continental" or "English saddle" clips. Dogs under 12 months old may be shown with a "puppy clip." A handful of registries, such as the United Kennel Club, allow simpler clips.

In the puppy clip, the face, throat, belly, and base of the tail and feet are shaved. The coat may be shaped with scissors for neatness. Although this clip appears simpler than the other clips, the length of the hair makes it as difficult (maybe more so) to maintain as the adult clips.

In the continental clip the face, throat, feet and part of the tail are shaved. The upper half of the front legs is shaved, leaving "pompons" around the ankles. The hindquarters are shaved except for pompons on the lower leg (from the hock to the base of the foot) and optional round areas (sometimes called "rosettes") over the hips. The continental clip is the most popular show clip today.

The English saddle clip is similar to the continental, except for the hindquarters. The hindquarters are not shaved except a small curved area on each flank (just behind the body), the feet, and bands just below the stifle (knee) and above the hock, leaving three pompons. This clip is now rarely seen in Standard Poodles.

Pet clips can be simple or as elaborate as owners wish. The hair under the tail should always be kept short to keep feces from matting in the poodle's curls. Most owners also keep the feet and face clipped short to prevent dirt from matting between toes and food from matting around the dog's muzzle. Beyond these sanitary requirements, desired clips depend on owners' preferences. Some owners maintain a longer clip in winter than summer, which they groom often with a wire slicker brush to remove tangles and prevent matting.

In most cases, whether a poodle is in a pet or show clip, hair is completely brushed out. Poodle hair can also be "corded" with rope-like mats similar to those of a Komondor. Though once as common as the curly poodle, corded poodles are now rare. Corded coats are difficult to keep clean and take a long time to dry after a bath. Any poodle with a normal coat can be corded when their adult coat is in.

Temperament of the breed
Poodles are intelligent, alert, and active. Historically, their aptitude has made them ideal for performing in circuses across the globe for centuries. Otherwise notable is this breed's keen sense for instinctual behavior. In particular, marking and hunting drives are more readily observable than in most other breeds. Even Toys will point birds. Classified as highly energetic, poodles can also get bored fairly easily and have been known to get creative about finding mischief.

Poodles are extremely people-oriented dogs and generally eager to please. They are excellent watchdogs, but unlike some working breeds, don't usually become "one-person" dogs when they are part of a family. Standard Poodles in particular tend to be good with children. Poodles are adaptable and easy to train. Like most dogs, they appreciate daily exercise, such as a walk or a play session. Most are fairly agile and athletic.

Toy Poodles will play ball and love to fetch. Play time is vital, but one must be sure that they get plenty of rest following long play periods and that fresh water is available at all times.

Potty training can be difficult in many dogs, but the poodle is one of the easiest to train. Whether going outside or being trained on a pad, they learn quickly where to relieve themselves. However, they are still animals, and they need time to understand what you want from them. It may take a while, but poodles are quite smart and learn more quickly than most dogs.

Health Concerns of the breed
The most common serious health issues of standard poodles (listed in order of the number of reported cases in the Poodle Health Registry (as of August 20, 2007) are Addison's disease, gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV = bloat/torsion), thyroid issues (hyperthyroid and hypothyroid), tracheal collapse, epilepsy, sebaceous adenitis, juvenile renal disease, hip dysplasia, and cancer.

Standard poodles are also susceptible to some health issues usually too minor to report to the poodle health registry. The most common of these minor issues are probably ear infections. Ear infections are a problem in all poodle varieties. Ear problems can be minimized by proper ear care. A veterinarian should be consulted if the dog shows signs of an ear infection, lest a minor issue turn into a major issue.

Addison's Disease
Addison's disease is (as of August 20, 2007) the illness most commonly reported to the Poodle Health Registry. The number of reported cases of Addison's disease is nearly twice as high as the next most common problem (GDV). Addison's disease is characterized by insufficient production of glucocorticoid and/or mineralocortoid in the adrenal cortex. Addison's is often undiagnosed because early symptoms are vague and easily mistaken for other conditions. Standard poodles with unexplained lethargy, frequent gastric disturbances, or an inability to tolerate stress should be tested for Addison's. Addison's can cause fatal sodium/potassium imbalances, but, if caught early and treated with lifelong medication, most dogs can live a relatively normal life.

Gastric dilatation volvulus
Standard poodle owners should take special note of the high incidence of GDV (Gastric dilatation volvulus) in this breed. Excess gas trapped in the dog's stomach causes "bloat." Twisting of the stomach (volvulus or "torsion") causes or is caused by excess gas. Symptoms include restlessness, inability to get comfortable, pacing, or retching without being able to bring up anything. The dog's abdomen may be visibly swollen but dogs can bloat or torsion without visible swelling. GDV is a dire emergency condition. If you suspect a dog is bloating, you should not wait to see if he improves. A dog with GDV requires immediate veterinary care. The dog's survival usually depends on whether the owner can get him to the vet in time. It is a good idea for a standard poodle owner to know the route to the nearest 24-hour emergency clinic, so time is not wasted looking for directions.

Standard Poodles had a median lifespan of 11.5 to 12 years. Miniature and Toy Poodles had median lifespans of 14 to 14.5 years. Some toy poodles can live up to 17 years or even longer if they have a healthy life and are not overweight.

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